3-5 IV 2019

MUN's documents
Opening Speech
Opening Speeches take about one minute to present. Its purpose is to introduce the country and to give a very brief introduction to the issue discussed in their resolution as well as the country’s perspective regarding other issues that will be debated within the caucus.
Sample of Opening Speech
Your Excellence Secretary General, distinguished Delegates!
In the name of the Holy Father Benedict the sixteenth, I would like to express our belief that together we can make the world a better place to live. On the threshold of a new millennium, we must do everything which is possible to provide everybody necessary conditions of individual and social development.
Our common history should teach us that war is a terrible tragedy and nothing is more important than peace. International tenseness, lust for profit or domination cannot be a justification for a war or any other forms of violence.
But what exactly should we do to have peace? How do we need to act? The Holy See strongly believes that peace and partnership between nations and governments depend on peace inside our communities. It depends on peace in our mind and in our hearts. We cannot separate the inner life and social life. So if we want to be peacemakers, we need to find peace in ourselves!
Honoured Delegates! International community must remember that human life and dignity is the biggest value. Nobody and nothing could be more important for every man of good will. The Holy See wants to invite all nations, countries and international organizations to explore again our culture and spiritual heritage. Go back to the source!
Your Excellence Secretary General, honoured Chairs, distinguished Delegates, the Holy See wants to express readiness to help every country which is open to new solutions and new forms of international cooperation because it is obvious that we must work harder to make the world friendlier, more peaceful, safer and a more human place!
Thank you honoured delegates. I give the floor to his Excellence Secretary General.
Policy Statement
These are documents that briefly and clearly explain the policies of your country/organization with respect to the issues dealt with at the conference. There are two important reasons for drawing up this document:
On the one hand, it forces you to focus on the exact points of view of your country/organization;
On the other hand, it serves as a reference document for your delegation members and committee members during the conference. Thus, policy statements may provide an excellent tool in the lobbying process; they may also serve as the basis for your opening speech in your committee.
Sample of Policy Statement: http://www.hismun.org/sample-policy-statement.html
Resolutions are the basic decisions or statements of the United Nations. While drafted by individual nations, they declare the official policy for the particular organ or body of the United Nations. While resolutions have a standard format, they may serve different purposes. Most resolutions state or reaffirm General Assembly policy on a particular item. Some resolutions may give directions, requests, or suggestions to other UN bodies, other international organizations, or groups of states. Resolutions may create committees, international bodies, specific funds or programs. They may condemn the actions of a state, urge collective action, and in the case of the Security Council, require compulsory compliance.
Position Paper Guide
Rules of Procedure:
Study Guides (SC, ECOSOC, HRC):